Hey guys, Its Maple!
Lets talk about pets. They're awesome right? Well, PVGC has pets too! No I don't mean there is a club pet! :) I mean club MEMBERS have pets. Lets start with my beloved Taryn. She has Boulder, a Bernese Mountain dog, and plans to adopt a puppy. ( Yay!) Mckenna has a puppy named Cooper. He is a Fur real dog ( unfortunately ) not an AG dog. But he is named after Mckenna's AG dog. Saila has a dog named Nukilik and her puppy Nanuq. Both are Canadian Inuit dogs. Addy and Marie-Grace don't have any pets ( What a shame! ). Maybe Taryn can convince them...
I have nominated you for the prestigious Liebster Award: http://steampunkaddie.blogspot.com/2014/03/let-me-call-you-liebster.html