Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Doll Diaries Giveaway

Another great giveaway from Doll Diaries! This time they went to the American Girl Fashion show (I've always wanted to go to one of those). Anyway, they are giving away some stuff they got there!



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Doll Diaries Give Away!

Doll diaries is having another great give away! This time is is for an adorable Dorothy (from the Wizard of Oz) doll.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Basilmentos Meet

Yes, we met Basilmentos Saturday. It was AMAZING!
The gift we gave Basilmentos, along with the posters she autographed later.
 We gave Basilmentos an outfit honey sewed, which you can see in one of Basilmentos' posts here.
It is under the balloon Basilmentos' doll is holding.
Here is McKenna modeling the skirt and beanie we gave Basilmentos with an overcoat we made later
Not only was Basilmentos there, but Five Doll Stars was there too! It was so exciting to meet two Awesome stopmotioners!
Our Dolls with Crystal from FiveDollStars
Aside from the super-famous AGtubers above mentioned, we also met some lesser know ones too, such as SparkFireProductions and The Dolly Trolley
All of the dolls (including ours) who were at the meet at this point!
We took a lot of pictures at the meet, mostly of our dolls with other dolls! Here are some of my favorites:
Taryn hugs Crystal
Taryn hugs Eva Basilmentos
Our dolls with Eva.
Unfortunately, Addy and Sassafras didn't come with us on this trip :( so they aren't in any pictures. Also, because I don't feel comfortable sharing my face online, I haven't posted any pictures of the people who were there. I'm really sorry if you're disappointed, I just wouldn't want to invade anyone's privacy.

Hopefully sometime soon we'll have more pictures of what we got and a video about the experience. If you can't wait here and here are some great Vlogs about the meet up. Here's our dolls talking about it from the AG store.

Until next time,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Liebster Award

Hello everyone! One of Pine Valley Girls Club's favorite blogs The Adventures of Steampunk Addie has nominated us for the Liebster Award! You can find out more about the award by reading her post about it here. So, since there are many of us who write on this blog we decided we would all answer the questions! Pine Valley Girls Club as a whole will nominate 11 more blogs and ask 11 questions. Thank you steampunk Addie for nominating us!

1. What is your favorite toy ever made?
Playmobil! They are sooooo fun.
2. What is your favorite toy you have ever had?
My beloved Marie-Grace!
3. What is your favorite color?
4. What is your favorite scent?
Lavender. Definitely lavender!
5. What is your favorite moving picture?
 Wall-E! I'm such a robot person, LOL. However, if a Steampunk movie ever comes out I would definitely say that!
6. If you could time travel, when and where?
I would go to the future, so I could use a transporter and phaser. The second option? Mark Twain's encounter with Guinan in the 1800s!
7. If you could meet anyone, living or dead who would you meet?
OK, this is tough. I guess Jesus. He'd be the best but hardest person to meet EVER!
8. What event in history would you change and why?
I would make it so that airships are still a mode of transportation today! So basically, nullify the Hindenburg explosion.

9. Are you a geek or a nerd?
A trekkie. Wait- that wasn't one of the options! I guess I'd have to say a nerd then...

10. What would be your super power if you could choose?
11. What would your supername be?
Flame. The Fire Nation will win!!!

1. What is your favorite toy ever made? 
Either  McKenna or Azone
2. What is your favorite toy you have ever had? 
My stuffed animal named sherbert!
3. What is your favorite color? 
4. What is your favorite scent?  
Cookie Dough
5. What is your favorite moving picture? 
 Spirited Away or Charlie Brown Christmas
6. If you could time travel, when and where? 
The summer of 2014 so it can be summer!
7. If you could meet anyone, living or dead who would you meet?  
Stuart McLean (host of the Vinyl Cafe)
8. What event in history would you change and why?
I actually have no idea on this one!
9. Are you a geek or a nerd? 
Geek (with a tiny little bit of otaku)
10. What would be your super power if you could choose?   
11. What would your supername be? 
Yue! (No, Willow, water tribes will dominate!)
1. What is your favorite toy ever made?
2. What is your favorite toy you have ever had?
 My Schleich figurines
3. What is your favorite color? 
4. What is your favorite scent?
 Totally, citrus!
5. What is your favorite moving picture?
6. If you could time travel, when and where?
 I would travel to the English country side during the colonial era.
7. If you could meet anyone, living or dead who would you meet?
 Do fictional characters count? Probably not. Ok, Queen Victoria.

8. What event in history would you change and why?
 I would change it so there never was slavery in the U.S.. I mean, no Civil War no horrid cruelty to HUMANS and no a millions of deaths. That was such a appalling time! :(
9. Are you a geek or a nerd?  
 Geek. I checked the definition on my Mac.
10. What would be your super power if you could choose?
11. What would your supername be?
 Akila! P.S. Guys, I doubt either will win...cause airbending is SO best!!!!!!! ( I don't care what     
you say! )

Our Nominees:
1.Julie Newman's 70s Time Capsule
2.Random Roses
4.Once Upon a Doll Collection
5.My Darling Dolls

Our Questions:
1. How many dolls do you have in your collection?
2.Which is your favorite doll?
3.Would you rather have many inexpensive dolls or one super expensive doll?
4. If you could choose one American Girl historical time period to live in, what would it be?
5. Have you ever dreamed about dolls?
6. If you could be a bender, (water, earth, fire, air) what type of bender would you be?
7. What style of clothing do your dolls wear?
8. Is it the same type of clothing you wear?
9. What is one food you could eat all day?
10. What is your favorite fandom?
11.Which of these questions was your favorite?

Alright nominees! Answer these questions, nominate 11 more blogs (sorry we ran short) and ask them 11 questions!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hey guys, Its Maple!
Lets talk about pets. They're awesome right? Well, PVGC has pets too! No I don't mean there is a club pet! :) I mean club MEMBERS have pets. Lets start with my beloved Taryn. She has Boulder, a Bernese Mountain dog, and plans to adopt a puppy. ( Yay!) Mckenna has a puppy named Cooper. He is a Fur real dog ( unfortunately ) not an AG dog. But he is named after Mckenna's AG dog. Saila  has a dog named Nukilik and her puppy Nanuq. Both are Canadian Inuit dogs. Addy and Marie-Grace don't have any pets ( What a shame! ). Maybe Taryn can convince them...


Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Marie-Grace!

Hey everyone! It's me, Marie-Grace!
Today is my birthday, so I thought I'd share some pictures of my last year's party with you.
McKenna, Saila, Addy, and Taryn all attended and we had a great time.
Here's all of us at the party!

Here's me blowing out the (invisible) candles on my cake.
My dad loves taking pictures of everything, but he missed me blowing out the candles the first time so we staged it. We ate lots of cake and cupcakes and played pin the flower on the stem. When we were all done it was time for photo ops!


 That party was so much fun! I'm having this year's party after school this afternoon! I hope it's even more awesome than last year!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Doll Diaries Giveaway

Doll Diaries is having another one of their fantastic giveaways!

Here is the link so you can get in on it!

They are giving away some NYC American Girl Place exclusives! Very exciting!
