Saturday, October 4, 2014


Hello everyone!

    I looked at our blogger Dashboard today and noticed something...
We haven't posted in a month. Ouch.
So, sorry about that.

The good thing is... I just broke the cycle. So updates...

  1. New Series!
    If you've checked our Youtube Channel in the past week, you'll see that we are starting a new series called 30 Seconds in the Life of A Girl. Click Here for the trailer. We are very excited about this one and hope you tune in.
  2. Magazine
    We ARE working on "The BIG Picture Magazine", and we are actually almost done, we should have it out in the next couple of days.
  3. School.
    Umm. Yeah. Every day is 7 hours of school+ 3 hours of homework+ 2 hours of after school activities= No time for making videos :(
  4. Google+
    We post really frequently there, so if you've been disappointed with the lack of content on our blog, that would be a good place to look.
So that's it for updates. As a reward for reading up to this point, here are some photos from our Fall Photoshoot:

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